Red Flags In Relationships

So you’ve decided to piss off your single friends and find yourself a snuggle buddy? Good for you. You’ve gone and fallen head first into something that seems to you to be dream-like and magical and all that crap ad nauseam. You are probably blissfully unaware that everybody right now is judging your choices and trying to figure out if this will last he year, or even beyond next week. As we can only assume that you are now incapacitated to make logical decisions, we have decided to put together an unbiased guide to help you to recognise if you are dating what we in the literary field call an ass-wipe.

red flagsRed Flags:
There are typical behaviours, some more subtle than others, that can help in the early stages to determine whether you are headed down the road of happiness or alternatively if you are likely to come out in the end feeling like Adele. These are known as ‘red flags’ because in history, red flags have been commonly used to mark annoying things like socialist revolutions and spam*. By spotting a metaphorical red flag early you can avoid the danger of being in regrettable or even boring relationship.

If you have spot any of the behaviours listed below then start packing a bag and make plans to flee in the dead of night, or if you prefer,  dump their ass in the day.

Constantly pushing that button-thingy at traffic lights when waiting to cross the road.
They are either the worst kind of impatient person; the kind who doesn’t think they are impatient, or a chronic masterbater. Take your pick.

read flag 3

I demand ye stop whilst I cross this road! #VivaLaPedestrian

Is not compatible with your taste in food.
I’m sorry, but food trumps everything. They don’t like mexican food? Adios, amigo.

Has not deleted their internet browser history recently.
Clearly does harbour any tenderness or genuine affection for you as they have not looked up any explicit videos containing pornstars with similar hair colour to you.

red flag 2

Unnecessarily wearing a hat indoors can be a red flag, as is flying red flags. 

Has never watched an episode of The Simpsons.
Pretentious sociopath and potential serial killer.

Has watched every episode of The Simpsons
(including everything from Season 10 onwards. *shudders*)
Deranged sociopath and potential serial killer.
– also applies to anyone who has willingly watched ‘Two and a Half Men’

Uses words like ‘thusly’ outside of an essay setting.
Nerd i.e lacking in social skills.

Shows moderate to little levels of excitement when in the presence of puppies.
Possible humanoid robot assigned by the government to spy on your activities, or just another run-of-the-mill serial killer.

Says things like ‘this would make a great status update’.
Only using you as a ‘trophy-wife’ type of date, which is of course extremely flattering and therefore you should be grateful.

Doesn’t say ‘bless you’ or anything to that extent after you sneeze.
Self-involved shell of a person, incapable of expressing or feeling love towards another human being.


Moments later, Wendy discovers that her lover is an utter prick.

Remember: Nothing on Facebook is ever really deleted so choose wisely whom you are associated with. Don’t let your friends win by looking like they were insightful geniuses way back at the start. Break up with that loser you are with now, before it is too late.

*This entire post has been marked as spam by the authors.



For others, help comes all too late.

Being Single On Valentine’s Day

If you are single, you have undoubtedly been made well aware that Valentine’s Day is on it’s way again.
It seems these days you can’t walk into a store for your can of Soup-for-One without tripping over a mass of cute stuffed animals, love-heart-shaped cards, and all manner of cheesy, commerial, soppy shit that you desperately wish someone would buy for you.

valentines 2

Should you find yourself to be single during Valentine’s Day this year, it may help you to know that you are not alone. Well, I mean, you are, clearly, but there are many other dateless, sad losers just like you out there. Instead of wasting your time wishing that for even just this one day of the year, someone, anyone, would at least touch you with a ten-foot pole, why not forget about dying alone with some fun ideas like those listed below.

Things To Do When You Are Not Celebrating Valentine’s Day:

Know someone else who is much happier than you?
Why not put a letter in their mailbox pretending to be the ‘other woman’?
You might even want make it more authentic by throwing a cheap old ring or piece of jewellery in there.
Too far?
If a friend of yours has bragged to you about where they are taking their beloved for dinner reservations, simply ring up and make a cancellation.

Hear your neighbours having wild, romantic romp?
Try throwing a rock through their window and run for it. Give them something to really sream about.
Too far?
Change your Wi-Fi name and let them know that you have heard too much information eg. ‘John in Unit 2 has Erectile Dysfunction.’

Remembeing all your ex-lover’s who scorned you?
Get some closure by using an unregistered number to continually call them and hang up. Let them feel what it is like to have someone really screwing with them.
Too far?
Ring up and order pizzas and taxis to their house and ruin their night.

Your coupled-up friends will tell you that Valentine’s Day doesn’t matter, or perhaps even say that they don’t celebrate it, but you expect that if you tried to make plans with them for that day they will selfishly be spending time with their soul mate instead. Smug bastards.
Just try to remember that for most couples, Valentine’s Day consists of exchanging cards with personal messages written by someone at Hallmark, an evening at an over-priced, crowded restaurant, becoming bloated, trying to avoid having an argument, feeling tired, and going to sleep.
A sad night on the town? Please… You could pull that off on a bad day. Well, maybe not the ‘someone giving you a card’ part…

Why I’ll Never Be Treated Like An Adult

  • I work at the same responsibility level as people who are still undergoing puberty.
  • I leave the discarded crust edges of my pizza on my plate.
  • I have been using a cake tin as a salad bowl for at least a year, rather than forking out the $3 to buy a larger bowl.
  • I think of vacuuming as an ‘optional’ household chore.
  • On more than one occasion at a formal event, I’ve been told that my shirt is not ironed.
  • I am still always in shock when the toilet paper supply runs out.
  • I’d like to buy a dog, but my first thought is immediately “but who will feed it?”
  • I still accept money for petrol off my mum when I visit.
  • I create scenarios in my head where I envision telling off someone who has recently pissed me off.
  • Washing my clothes consists of washing, drying and then being left in a pile on the floor for an undetermined period of time.
  • I allow myself a big enough period of time in the morning to snooze my alarm clock at least 5 times.
  • I giggle at words like ‘tits.’
  • I still use the phrase ‘when I grow up.’

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