What It Is Really Like To Be In A Band

Some people choose to follow their dreams and join a band. Others have real jobs.


If, for whatever misguided reasons, you have decided to become a performer in a band, you will know that it is far from the glamorous, elegant, sophisticated lifestyle that Courtney Love had us believe. Inevitably at any gig you play, no matter how good you think your band is, you will find that you encounter at least one or more of the following:


  1. Playing to people who are too drunk to notice you playing.
  2. Having abuse shouted at you from people who have noticed you playing.
  3. Having requests to play songs that not suitable at all for the style you are playing.
  4. Having requests to play obscure songs by artists that neither you nor anybody else in the room has ever heard of.
  5. Having requests to play songs that you already performed before this person turned up.
  6. Having requests to play songs that you already performed while this person wasn’t listening.
  7. Playing requested songs and then realising that the person who requested it has left.

Rock on.

wonderwall 2

Write something nice or go away: