About The Losers

Adventures in Loserville is brought to you by two loved-up lesbians
with far too much time on their hands.


We moved in together soon after dating
without realising how utterly annoying the other person really is.

However, we have learned to respect each others insanity
and now enjoy a life filled with hand-holding, relaxing strolls along the beach,
reading poetry by candlelight and other procrastinating activities
which are slowly causing our lives to fall apart.

We live in a town which has been dubbed ‘Loserville’
by one of our homophobic parents.

Adventures in loserville-37

In a blatant display of pride we have decided
to take back this name and shove our homosexuality into the faces
of anyone who can be bothered reading our posts.


Photography by Good Jelly Creative Agency and Justin Beverstock Photography.

12 thoughts on “About The Losers

  1. Thanks for liking my post. It’s a good thing that I’m not an uptight Christian or else I would be very offended by your blog. It’s actually quite humorous honestly! Blessings to you both 🙂


  2. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for liking my latest post “Hopeless case”, i’m honored! I’m glad i discovered your blog and i wish you both love, happiness and inner strength to overcome any difficulties may appear on the way! And i truly admire your honesty and sense of humor :-).


  3. I appear to have quite literally accidentally clicked on your site, and yet … My sister and her wife of 30 years just got married last Friday November 29th in Maine (where GLBT weddings are legal) … So, hang in there!

    As for me I’ve been straightly married going on … let me think … 37 years. … And today is my 60th birthday … Take that DEATH! I have cheated you again out yet another year. ha ha ha

    And since I am here anyway you get a shameless plug for http://Contrafactual.com


  4. Thank you for stopping by my post “Girl on Girl”.
    And you both are absolute entertainers with those witty posts and dry humor !


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